Saturday, October 8, 2011

Scribble and Scratch.

So I have had lots of adventures. This is true. And I will of course put up more photos with endless enthusiastic commentary. But I thought I would post some artwork as that was the purpose of this endeavor to begin with. I have done this since getting here. I suppose it is not much for a month, but I was feeling rather accomplished.

I suppose inspiration was drawn from all over. Olivia's nifty use of handwritten script, tattoo shtuff, and the beauteous Dan Felton. Here is a photo of the real deal. 

It's not really the same but eh. I can deal. And now the award for the best song and dance involving a velvet crop top and corvette goes to the band Girls. This is currently my jam. Watch it. And if his swagger doesn't do it for you maybe the beautiful shots of mist shrouded SF will. 


p.s. apologies for photo quality. The lighting in my bedroom is a wee bit janky. 

1 comment:

  1. I am especially fond of the last one (the one you drew, not the actual photograph).

    This post reminds me that I had a vivid dream and will proceed to message all of you about it.
