Monday, July 25, 2011

The Room Where Summer Passes.

Well I have been doing a lot more of nothing lately. I started this:

Based on this photo:

From this groovy ad campaign featured here.

And then I drafted this:

At The Close

The sister leaves on the train
As afternoon fog crests the hills
I think of you
Buried in the years now termed “ago”
I buried you again
By a river in Russia
And sat on the bridge
To mourn
Oh, but all this I have forgotten
I do not think of it
On the way home
Or falling to sleep
In the room where summer passes

All the while listening to this:

and this:

and never ever doing my homework. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

If I Wasn't Such A Zero.

I do things. I swear. But not enough. Embarrassing.......

A sketch of a silly feline I did for a friend's tattoo. Meh-eow.
Oh. This is a real good song. The video is horrible, don't watch it. Just listen.